NOTE: This event will be IN-PERSON ONLY at the Ft. Monmouth Recreation Center, off Hope Road in Tinton Falls, New Jersey at 7:30 pm on April 9, 2025.
Birder and photographer Jason Denesevich will share photographs and identification tips on Terns as we await the return of these iconic summer birds to New Jersey. Join us for our first in-person program in several years. Jason will discuss the identification and distribution of the Tern species that regularly occur in New Jersey, including Common and Forster Tern, Least Tern, Royal and Caspian. Jason will also cover key identification points and where and when to find the less common Tern species such as Black, Roseate, Arctic and Sandwich.
“A nice, fresh juvenile Common Tern”
Photo by Jason Denesevich
Jason Denesevich has been birding and for over 25 years. He is a skilled photographer whose work has appeared in a text on Terns. Jason has been an Associate Naturalist with New Jersey Audubon Society since 2018. He is a voting member of the New Jersey Bird Records Committee. His skill in seabird identification has led him to be a spotter and Naturalist with several Pelagic tour groups, including Seabirding in Hatteras, North Carolina, Cape May Whale Watch and Research Center, and American Princess Cruises in Brooklyn NY. Jason was a speaker at the Cape May Fall Birding festival in 2024 and will be a speaker again at this year's CMBO Fall Festival.